Sleep Studies
We provide Medicare* funded home based sleep studies at our clinics. Doctors may refer their patient for a sleep study depending on their eligibility and clinical situation. Download a referral form here.
*Criteria applies.
What do these sleep studies involve?
The patient is connected to a diagnostic device by our sleep technician at one of our clinics. The patient then goes home with the setup and sleeps with the connected device.
The non-invasive test measures several parameters which include: brain wave activity, snoring, breathing, heart rate, oxygen levels, movement and body positioning.
Who is suitable?
Patients can be referred by their practitioners for a sleep study, generally based on their clinical situation and Medicare criteria.
These may include
- anyone with symptoms suggestive of sleep aponea such as snoring, daytime fatigue etc. (just mention all of them).
- people that are considered at high risk of having sleep apnoea that include being overweight (because it adds fat around the neck and airways), chronic conditions such as diabetes, history of previous or recent cardiovascular condition to name a few.
If you think you may have sleep apnoea, please contact your doctor for further advice.
How to book an appointment?
Once the patient receives a referral from their doctor, it may be faxed or emailed to us directly. We will generally review the referral and contact the patient to book an appointment for a sleep study. For further information, please contact
How to prepare for the sleep study?
Patients will be required to arrive to their designated clinic in comfortable nightwear as they cannot change after the cable hookup. Having a shower and meal prior to the appointment are advised. We also recommend that the patients have someone to drive them back home. More information will be provided by your sleep technician prior to the appointment.
What happens after the sleep study?
Patients will be required to return the device the next morning at a designated clinic. The data will get marked and reported by one of our Respiratory and Sleep Physicians. Patients will be contacted once the results are ready (approximately 2 weeks). After this, patients can see their referring practitioner for a review of the results.
Based on the outcome of the sleep study, the patient may or may not require a CPAP trial. Click here for more information on CPAP trial.
For more information on Sleep studies, please contact us via phone or email.